Statistiche calcio

Calendario e risultati BOLIVIA APERTURA 2019

Risultati Giornata 1   20-01-2019
19-01-19 Sport Boys Always Ready1-1 (1-0) 
19-01-19 Real Potosi Guabira3-1 (1-1) 
20-01-19 Wilstermann Bolivar0-2 (0-0) 
20-01-19 Destroyers Blooming 1-0 (1-0) 
20-01-19 The Strongest Aurora 2-1 (1-0) 
20-01-19 San Jose Nacional Potosí2-2 (1-1) 
21-01-19 Oriente Petrolero Royal Pari1-1 (0-1) 
Classifica Giornata 1
The Strongest3Sport Boys1
Real Potosi 3Royal Pari1
Bolivar3Always Ready1
Destroyers3Aurora 0
Oriente Petrolero1Blooming 0
Nacional Potosí1Wilstermann0
San Jose1Guabira0
Risultati Giornata 2   26-01-2019
26-01-19 Guabira Nacional Potosí0-0 (0-0) 
26-01-19 Always Ready Wilstermann2-2 (1-0) 
26-01-19 Royal Pari The Strongest5-0 (2-0) 
27-01-19 Aurora Sport Boys0-2 (0-0) 
27-01-19 Real Potosi Oriente Petrolero1-1 (1-0) 
27-01-19 Bolivar Destroyers2-0 (0-0) 
28-01-19 Blooming San Jose5-1 (3-1) 
Classifica Giornata 2
Bolivar6Oriente Petrolero2
Real Potosi 4Nacional Potosí2
Sport Boys4Always Ready2
Royal Pari4Wilstermann1
The Strongest3San Jose1
Blooming 3Guabira1
Destroyers3Aurora 0
Risultati Giornata 3   31-01-2019
30-01-19 Destroyers Always Ready2-0 (1-0) 
30-01-19 Sport Boys Royal Pari2-2 (2-1) 
30-01-19 The Strongest Real Potosi 4-1 (2-0) 
31-01-19 Oriente Petrolero Guabira1-1 (0-1) 
31-01-19 Wilstermann Aurora 2-1 (1-1) 
01-02-19 Nacional Potosí Blooming 2-0 (0-0) 
14-02-19 San Jose Bolivar4-4 (1-1) 
Classifica Giornata 3
The Strongest6Oriente Petrolero3
Destroyers6Blooming 3
Nacional Potosí5San Jose2
Sport Boys5Guabira2
Royal Pari5Always Ready2
Real Potosi 4Aurora 0
Risultati Giornata 4   03-02-2019
02-02-19 Royal Pari Wilstermann2-3 (1-1) 
02-02-19 Aurora Destroyers2-0 (1-0) 
03-02-19 Bolivar Nacional Potosí1-1 (1-1) 
03-02-19 Oriente Petrolero The Strongest2-1 (0-1) 
03-02-19 Real Potosi Sport Boys2-1 (1-1) 
03-02-19 Guabira Blooming 2-2 (1-0) 
03-02-19 Always Ready San Jose3-3 (1-3) 
Classifica Giornata 4
Bolivar8Sport Boys5
Real Potosi 7Royal Pari5
Wilstermann7Blooming 4
The Strongest6Aurora 3
Oriente Petrolero6San Jose3
Nacional Potosí6Guabira3
Destroyers6Always Ready3
Risultati Giornata 5   06-02-2019
06-02-19 Destroyers Royal Pari0-0 (0-0) 
06-02-19 Sport Boys Oriente Petrolero2-1 (1-1) 
07-02-19 Blooming Bolivar2-1 (2-0) 
07-02-19 San Jose Aurora 3-0 (2-0) 
07-02-19 Wilstermann Real Potosi 5-0 (1-0) 
08-02-19 Nacional Potosí Always Ready3-1 (3-1) 
07-03-19 The Strongest Guabira5-0 (3-0) 
Classifica Giornata 5
The Strongest9Oriente Petrolero6
Nacional Potosí9San Jose6
Bolivar8Royal Pari6
Sport Boys8Aurora 3
Real Potosi 7Guabira3
Blooming 7Always Ready3
Risultati Giornata 6   09-02-2019
09-02-19 Guabira Bolivar0-1 (0-0) 
09-02-19 Royal Pari San Jose0-1 (0-0) 
10-02-19 Aurora Nacional Potosí0-0 (0-0) 
10-02-19 Oriente Petrolero Wilstermann2-0 (1-0) 
10-02-19 Always Ready Blooming 3-0 (2-0) 
10-02-19 The Strongest Sport Boys5-0 (3-0) 
12-02-19 Real Potosi Destroyers3-2 (1-1) 
Classifica Giornata 6
The Strongest12Sport Boys8
Bolivar11Blooming 7
Nacional Potosí10Destroyers7
Real Potosi 10Royal Pari6
Wilstermann10Always Ready6
Oriente Petrolero9Aurora 4
San Jose9Guabira3
Risultati Giornata 7   17-02-2019
16-02-19 Blooming Aurora 1-0 (0-0) 
16-02-19 Bolivar Always Ready2-1 (1-0) 
16-02-19 Sport Boys Guabira2-2 (2-1) 
17-02-19 Wilstermann The Strongest0-1 (0-1) 
17-02-19 San Jose Real Potosi 2-2 (2-1) 
17-02-19 Nacional Potosí Royal Pari4-1 (1-1) 
18-02-19 Destroyers Oriente Petrolero0-0 (0-0) 
Classifica Giornata 7
The Strongest15San Jose10
Bolivar14Sport Boys9
Nacional Potosí13Destroyers8
Real Potosi 11Royal Pari6
Oriente Petrolero10Always Ready6
Blooming 10Aurora 4
Risultati Giornata 8   20-02-2019
20-02-19 Guabira Always Ready1-1 (1-0) 
20-02-19 Real Potosi Nacional Potosí1-3 (1-0) 
21-02-19 Royal Pari Blooming 1-3 (1-2) 
21-02-19 Sport Boys Wilstermann1-3 (0-2) 
21-02-19 Aurora Bolivar3-3 (1-1) 
21-02-19 The Strongest Destroyers3-0 (2-0) 
22-02-19 Oriente Petrolero San Jose4-3 (3-1) 
Classifica Giornata 8
The Strongest18San Jose10
Nacional Potosí16Sport Boys9
Oriente Petrolero13Always Ready7
Blooming 13Royal Pari6
Wilstermann13Aurora 5
Real Potosi 11Guabira5
Risultati Giornata 9   25-02-2019
23-02-19 Always Ready Aurora 2-0 (1-0) 
24-02-19 Wilstermann Guabira0-2 (0-1) 
24-02-19 Nacional Potosí Oriente Petrolero2-1 (0-1) 
24-02-19 Bolivar Royal Pari3-0 (1-0) 
24-02-19 Blooming Real Potosi 5-3 (1-2) 
25-02-19 Destroyers Sport Boys0-0 (0-0) 
26-02-19 San Jose The Strongest1-1 (0-0) 
Classifica Giornata 9
The Strongest19San Jose11
Nacional Potosí19Sport Boys10
Bolivar18Always Ready10
Blooming 16Destroyers9
Oriente Petrolero13Guabira8
Wilstermann13Royal Pari6
Real Potosi 11Aurora 5
Risultati Giornata 10   02-03-2019
27-02-19 Wilstermann Destroyers3-3 (1-1) 
28-02-19 Sport Boys San Jose1-2 (1-1) 
28-02-19 Real Potosi Bolivar2-2 (1-1) 
01-03-19 The Strongest Nacional Potosí2-3 (2-2) 
02-03-19 Oriente Petrolero Blooming 0-1 (0-0) 
06-03-19 Royal Pari Always Ready1-1 (0-1) 
24-03-19 Guabira Aurora 1-0 (0-0) 
Classifica Giornata 10
Nacional Potosí22Real Potosi 12
The Strongest19Guabira11
Blooming 19Always Ready11
Bolivar19Sport Boys10
San Jose14Royal Pari7
Oriente Petrolero13Aurora 5
Risultati Giornata 11   10-03-2019
09-03-19 Always Ready Real Potosi 3-1 (2-0) 
09-03-19 Bolivar Oriente Petrolero3-0 (0-0) 
09-03-19 Nacional Potosí Sport Boys3-0 (1-0) 
10-03-19 San Jose Wilstermann0-3 (0-1) 
10-03-19 Aurora Royal Pari2-3 (0-0) 
10-03-19 Destroyers Guabira2-3 (1-1) 
11-03-19 Blooming The Strongest2-0 (1-0) 
Classifica Giornata 11
Nacional Potosí25Always Ready14
Blooming 22Oriente Petrolero13
Bolivar22Real Potosi 12
The Strongest19Sport Boys10
San Jose14Royal Pari10
Guabira14Aurora 5
Risultati Giornata 12   14-03-2019
13-03-19 Real Potosi Aurora 2-2 (1-1) 
14-03-19 Sport Boys Blooming 1-5 (0-2) 
14-03-19 The Strongest Bolivar1-1 (0-1) 
14-03-19 Oriente Petrolero Always Ready4-1 (3-1) 
15-03-19 Guabira Royal Pari3-1 (1-1) 
23-03-19 Destroyers San Jose2-1 (1-0) 
23-03-19 Wilstermann Nacional Potosí2-0 (1-0) 
Classifica Giornata 12
Nacional Potosí25San Jose14
Blooming 25Always Ready14
Bolivar23Real Potosi 13
The Strongest20Destroyers13
Wilstermann20Sport Boys10
Guabira17Royal Pari10
Oriente Petrolero16Aurora 6
Risultati Giornata 13   16-03-2019
16-03-19 Always Ready The Strongest1-2 (0-1) 
16-03-19 Nacional Potosí Destroyers7-2 (2-2) 
17-03-19 Aurora Oriente Petrolero3-2 (1-0) 
17-03-19 San Jose Guabira3-1 (2-0) 
17-03-19 Bolivar Sport Boys4-1 (2-1) 
17-03-19 Royal Pari Real Potosi 4-1 (2-0) 
18-03-19 Blooming Wilstermann2-0 (1-0) 
Classifica Giornata 13
Nacional Potosí28Oriente Petrolero16
Blooming 28Always Ready14
Bolivar26Real Potosi 13
The Strongest23Destroyers13
Wilstermann20Royal Pari13
San Jose17Sport Boys10
Guabira17Aurora 9
Risultati Giornata 14   30-03-2019
30-03-19 Nacional Potosí San Jose1-0 (0-0) 
30-03-19 Always Ready Sport Boys3-1 (2-1) 
31-03-19 Royal Pari Oriente Petrolero1-3 (0-1) 
31-03-19 Aurora The Strongest2-1 (0-1) 
31-03-19 Guabira Real Potosi 2-1 (1-0) 
31-03-19 Bolivar Wilstermann3-0 (1-0) 
01-04-19 Blooming Destroyers2-1 (2-1) 
Classifica Giornata 14
Nacional Potosí31San Jose17
Blooming 31Always Ready17
Bolivar29Real Potosi 13
The Strongest23Destroyers13
Wilstermann20Royal Pari13
Guabira20Aurora 12
Oriente Petrolero19Sport Boys10
Risultati Giornata 15   04-04-2019
27-03-19 Wilstermann Always Ready2-0 (1-0) 
28-03-19 San Jose Blooming 5-1 (2-1) 
03-04-19 Sport Boys Aurora 3-0 (2-0) 
04-04-19 Oriente Petrolero Real Potosi 2-1 (0-0) 
04-04-19 Destroyers Bolivar3-6 (2-3) 
04-04-19 Nacional Potosí Guabira4-0 (3-0) 
05-04-19 The Strongest Royal Pari5-2 (1-1) 
Classifica Giornata 15
Nacional Potosí34Guabira20
Bolivar32Always Ready17
Blooming 31Real Potosi 13
The Strongest26Sport Boys13
Oriente Petrolero22Royal Pari13
San Jose20Aurora 12
Risultati Giornata 16   08-04-2019
06-04-19 Always Ready Destroyers2-0 (1-0) 
07-04-19 Real Potosi The Strongest0-2 (0-0) 
07-04-19 Aurora Wilstermann1-2 (1-0) 
07-04-19 Bolivar San Jose2-3 (1-1) 
07-04-19 Guabira Oriente Petrolero2-3 (1-0) 
08-04-19 Blooming Nacional Potosí0-1 (0-0) 
09-04-19 Royal Pari Sport Boys3-3 (0-3) 
Classifica Giornata 16
Nacional Potosí37Guabira20
Bolivar32Always Ready20
Blooming 31Sport Boys14
The Strongest29Royal Pari14
Wilstermann26Real Potosi 13
Oriente Petrolero25Destroyers13
San Jose23Aurora 12
Risultati Giornata 17   14-04-2019
13-04-19 Nacional Potosí Bolivar0-1 (0-0) 
13-04-19 Sport Boys Real Potosi 1-1 (0-1) 
14-04-19 Destroyers Aurora 0-0 (0-0) 
14-04-19 Wilstermann Royal Pari2-1 (1-1) 
14-04-19 The Strongest Oriente Petrolero4-0 (2-0) 
14-04-19 San Jose Always Ready6-2 (4-0) 
15-04-19 Blooming Guabira4-2 (1-2) 
Classifica Giornata 17
Nacional Potosí37Guabira20
Bolivar35Always Ready20
Blooming 34Sport Boys15
The Strongest32Real Potosi 14
San Jose26Royal Pari14
Oriente Petrolero25Aurora 13
Risultati Giornata 18   19-04-2019
17-04-19 Guabira The Strongest1-2 (0-1) 
18-04-19 Real Potosi Wilstermann1-2 (0-1) 
18-04-19 Bolivar Blooming 4-1 (1-1) 
19-04-19 Aurora San Jose0-2 (0-0) 
19-04-19 Royal Pari Destroyers0-0 (0-0) 
24-04-19 Always Ready Nacional Potosí1-2 (0-1) 
26-04-19 Oriente Petrolero Sport Boys2-1 (0-0) 
Classifica Giornata 18
Nacional Potosí40Guabira20
Bolivar38Always Ready20
The Strongest35Sport Boys15
Blooming 34Destroyers15
Wilstermann32Royal Pari15
San Jose29Real Potosi 14
Oriente Petrolero28Aurora 13
Risultati Giornata 19   21-04-2019
20-04-19 Sport Boys The Strongest0-0 (0-0) 
21-04-19 Nacional Potosí Aurora 0-1 (0-0) 
21-04-19 Wilstermann Oriente Petrolero0-1 (0-0) 
21-04-19 San Jose Royal Pari2-1 (1-0) 
21-04-19 Bolivar Guabira3-0 (0-0) 
22-04-19 Blooming Always Ready1-0 (1-0) 
22-04-19 Destroyers Real Potosi 3-0 (1-0) 
Classifica Giornata 19
Nacional Potosí40Always Ready20
Blooming 37Destroyers18
The Strongest36Aurora 16
Wilstermann32Sport Boys16
San Jose32Royal Pari15
Oriente Petrolero31Real Potosi 14
Risultati Giornata 20   27-04-2019
27-04-19 Always Ready Bolivar1-1 (0-0) 
27-04-19 Real Potosi San Jose2-1 (2-1) 
28-04-19 Guabira Sport Boys1-0 (0-0) 
28-04-19 Royal Pari Nacional Potosí1-1 (1-1) 
28-04-19 The Strongest Wilstermann2-1 (2-0) 
28-04-19 Aurora Blooming 3-4 (1-2) 
29-04-19 Oriente Petrolero Destroyers1-0 (0-0) 
Classifica Giornata 20
Nacional Potosí41Always Ready21
Blooming 40Destroyers18
The Strongest39Real Potosi 17
Oriente Petrolero34Aurora 16
Wilstermann32Sport Boys16
San Jose32Royal Pari16
Risultati Giornata 21   01-05-2019
01-05-19 Destroyers The Strongest0-1 (0-0) 
01-05-19 Nacional Potosí Real Potosi 0-1 (0-1) 
01-05-19 Always Ready Guabira6-0 (3-0) 
01-05-19 Bolivar Aurora 6-3 (3-2) 
02-05-19 Blooming Royal Pari2-3 (0-1) 
03-05-19 San Jose Oriente Petrolero3-2 (2-0) 
03-05-19 Wilstermann Sport Boys5-2 (2-1) 
Classifica Giornata 21
Bolivar45Always Ready24
The Strongest42Guabira23
Nacional Potosí41Real Potosi 20
Blooming 40Royal Pari19
San Jose35Aurora 16
Oriente Petrolero34Sport Boys16
Risultati Giornata 22   06-05-2019
04-05-19 Royal Pari Bolivar1-2 (1-1) 
04-05-19 Aurora Always Ready3-1 (1-0) 
05-05-19 Guabira Wilstermann1-1 (0-0) 
05-05-19 Real Potosi Blooming 2-2 (1-1) 
05-05-19 The Strongest San Jose2-2 (0-1) 
06-05-19 Oriente Petrolero Nacional Potosí0-2 (0-1) 
07-05-19 Sport Boys Destroyers1-1 (1-1) 
Classifica Giornata 22
Nacional Potosí44Always Ready24
The Strongest43Real Potosi 21
Blooming 41Aurora 19
San Jose36Royal Pari19
Oriente Petrolero34Sport Boys17
Risultati Giornata 23   12-05-2019
11-05-19 Aurora Guabira1-1 (0-0) 
11-05-19 Bolivar Real Potosi 4-3 (2-2) 
11-05-19 Always Ready Royal Pari6-0 (2-0) 
12-05-19 Destroyers Wilstermann0-3 (0-2) 
12-05-19 Nacional Potosí The Strongest1-0 (0-0) 
12-05-19 San Jose Sport Boys2-1 (2-1) 
13-05-19 Blooming Oriente Petrolero3-2 (1-1) 
Classifica Giornata 23
Bolivar51Always Ready27
Nacional Potosí47Guabira25
Blooming 44Real Potosi 21
The Strongest43Aurora 20
San Jose39Royal Pari19
Oriente Petrolero34Sport Boys17
Risultati Giornata 24   16-05-2019
15-05-19 Royal Pari Aurora 2-1 (0-1) 
16-05-19 Wilstermann San Jose0-0 (0-0) 
16-05-19 Guabira Destroyers1-0 (1-0) 
16-05-19 Real Potosi Always Ready2-1 (1-0) 
16-05-19 Sport Boys Nacional Potosí2-0 (0-0) 
16-05-19 The Strongest Blooming 3-1 (2-0) 
17-05-19 Oriente Petrolero Bolivar1-2 (0-1) 
Classifica Giornata 24
Nacional Potosí47Always Ready27
The Strongest46Real Potosi 24
Blooming 44Royal Pari22
Wilstermann40Aurora 20
San Jose40Sport Boys20
Oriente Petrolero34Destroyers19
Risultati Giornata 25   20-05-2019
19-05-19 Bolivar The Strongest1-3 (1-2) 
19-05-19 Nacional Potosí Wilstermann2-1 (0-1) 
19-05-19 Royal Pari Guabira2-1 (0-0) 
19-05-19 San Jose Destroyers2-0 (1-0) 
19-05-19 Aurora Real Potosi 3-2 (2-2) 
19-05-19 Always Ready Oriente Petrolero5-0 (0-0) 
20-05-19 Blooming Sport Boys1-2 (1-0) 
Classifica Giornata 25
Bolivar54Always Ready30
Nacional Potosí50Guabira28
The Strongest49Royal Pari25
Blooming 44Real Potosi 24
San Jose43Aurora 23
Wilstermann40Sport Boys23
Oriente Petrolero34Destroyers19
Risultati Giornata 26   22-05-2019
21-05-19 Guabira San Jose2-1 (1-0) 
22-05-19 Destroyers Nacional Potosí1-0 (0-0) 
23-05-19 Sport Boys Bolivar1-2 (1-0) 
23-05-19 Wilstermann Blooming 2-5 (1-1) 
23-05-19 The Strongest Always Ready3-2 (1-2) 
23-05-19 Oriente Petrolero Aurora 5-0 (3-0) 
25-05-19 Real Potosi Royal Pari3-1 (1-0) 
Classifica Giornata 26
The Strongest52Always Ready30
Nacional Potosí50Real Potosi 27
Blooming 47Royal Pari25
San Jose43Aurora 23
Wilstermann40Sport Boys23
Oriente Petrolero37Destroyers22

Africa - Caf AFRICA - CAF
Centro America CONCACAF
comenbol SUD AMERICA
fifa world cup WORLD CUP 2022






Statistiche sul Calcio è nato nel Marzo 2013 ed è un sito informativo che offre strumenti e risorse per gli scommettitori sportivi.
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Il gioco č vietato ai minori di 18 anni